Saturday, July 16, 2011

purpose of existence

something about yesterday reminded me of this video...this video i watched quite a while ago. kakak 'liked' it on facebook so i thought this must be good stuff and so i watched and yes it's a very interesting speech :) VIDEO lambat sangat kalau nak upload. It's a speech about The Purpose of Life by Syeikh Mirza Yawar Baig at IIUM.

dan tidak diciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan untuk mereka beribadat kepadaKu. 51:56

some of the things he talked about -

talking about power
pada ketika someone you love most hampir melepaskan nafas terakhir, what on earth can you do? at that point, you are completely helpless. teknologi, keluasan ilmu dan kuasa yang dibangga-banggakan pun takkan mampu kembalikan nafas terakhir seorang manusia.

Maka alangkah eloknya kalau semasa (roh seseorang dari kamu yang hampir mati) sampai ke kerongkongnya, - Sedang kamu pada masa itu (berada di sekelilingnya) menyaksikan keadaannya, - Dan Kami lebih dekat kepadanya daripada kamu, tetapi kamu tidak melihat, Maka bukankah elok kalau kamu orang-orang yang tidak dikuasai (dan tidak tunduk kepada kekuasaan Kami), - kembalikan roh itu (kepada keadaan sebelumnya) jika betul kamu orang-orang yang benar ? 56:83-87

what we can do adalah terhad. dan sebenarnya whatever that is that we can do adalah kerana izinNya. so what power are we talking about?

the 3 groups of people mentioned in al-Waqiah
Muqarrabin. Ashabul Yamin. Mukadzibin Ad-Dhaallin.
Yand didekatkan dengan Allah. Golongan Kanan. Yang mendustakan dan sesat.
kesudahan bagi mereka dalam 56:88-94.

the recording device analogy
suka this part. i find it funny in a way tapi betul lah apa dia cakap. beliau ambil recording device kecik sebagai example. say benda tu rosak. pergi kedai, orang cakap "this is finish. gone.". what would you do? let me quote from the speech - "or maybe I would keep it in my house and look at it once in a while. mashallah, mashallah. subhanallah. so much good service you gave me.. may you be happy". tapi takkanlah kan. mesti beli baru. yang rosak tu buang. kalau mahal, mungkin akan consider untuk repair. kalau tak boleh repair, buang, sebab benda tu sudah tak memenuhi tujuan ianya diciptakan. so when we throw it away, we call it 'Trash'. what's the definition of trash? something that does not fulfill it's purpose anymore.

thought of a sin
kata Imam Ghazali dalam Ihya Ulumuddin, "Do not even entertain the thought of a sin. Because the thought will lead to the qaul (speech) and the speech will lead to the action." dan dari bahagian lain, kata beliau, "The first time the thought comes is from syaitan but if you retained it, it is from you." (i decided not to translate in case i might change the meaning) he did say something funny about entertaining the thought but nahhh~ it wont be funny if i put them into words.

beautiful akhlak of Rasulullah
He is the walking quran, Aishah r.a. said when a sahabat asked her about Rasulullah Dan turut diceritakan juga dalam this speech, kisah Bilal diejek ketika melaungkan azan. Peristiwa ini sebelum Fathu Makkah. Rasulullah memanggil mereka yang mengejek dan bertanya "Siapa yang ejek paling kuat sekali dan memanggilnya datang dekat. Tidaklah Rasulullah marah sebaliknya Rasulullah bertanya padanya "Mahu belajar melaungkan azan?" dan lelaki itu bersetuju. Rasulullah azan dan lelaki itu mengulanginya. Dan lelaki tersebut adalah antara orang besar Quraisy. Suprisingly, lelaki itu approach Rasulullah dan meminta untuk menjadi muazzin di Makkah memandangkan Bilal adalah muazzin di Madinah. Basically, this shows bagaimana akhlak seseorang itu boleh mempengaruhi seseorang yang lain dan kebesaran Allah s.w.t.

pleasing Allah s.w.t.
almost everything boleh jadi ibadah. menggembirakan isteri, kerana Allah s.w.t. pasti suka. berbuat baik dengan anak, kerana Allah s.w.t. pasti suka. etc.

alhamdulillah ala kulli hal
kalau isteri masak tak sedap, janganlah marah "Sapa ajaq hang masak. Lagu mana ni.Mak hang tak ajaq ka!". Makanan tak sedap, Alhamdulillah. Siapa ar-Razak? Isteri anda kah? Allah s.w.t. yang Maha Pemberi Rezeki. Makanan sedap, Alhamdulillah. Tak sedap, Alhamdulillah jugak :) let's try apply alhamdulillah ala kulli hal in life.

masjid is the house of Allah, for everyone
according to the syeikh, in a place in India he went, people of different mazhabs pray in different masjids-hanafi masjid, sufi masjid etc.. In Malaysia? haha *teeetttt*

famous story of Imam Ghazali
Imam Ghazali was upset because his elder brother does not want to pray behind him. So he told his mother and his mother called the brother and asked "He's a good man, why you don't wanna pray behind him?". "The brother answered, "When he is in solah, he has no khusyuk, he's thinking of something else." The mother asked them to just go pray. This time, in the second rakaat, the elder broke from his solah and walked away. So Imam Ghazali went back to the mother and complained about this. The mother asked the brother why and the brother said "You ask him (Imam Ghazali)". Imam Ghazali then told his mother that in the second rakaat he was thinking about this problem about fiqh. Haha and the elder brother said "See, he has no khusyuk!". And the mother wasnt like "Wow, one of my child knows what's in the heart of another!". instead she said "Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun, i have two sons and neither of them is khusyuk in their solah. one is thinking about a problem and one is thinking about his brother." moral of the story is that don't worry about someone else's khusyuk in solah, diterima atau tidak, itu rahsia Allah, so focus to make sure our solah is accepted.

Kamu (wahai umat Muhammad) adalah sebaik-baik umat yang dilahirkan bagi (faedah) umat manusia, kamu menyuruh berbuat segala perkara yang baik dan melarang daripada segala perkara yang salah (buruk dan keji), serta kamu pula beriman kepada Allah (dengan sebenar-benar iman). 3:110

tak nak jadi junk trash etc.
nauzubillah min zalik.

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