Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Street art, Quee Road, Nov 24, 2012

And so this morning my English lecturer asked

"And Khadijah...what type of music do you like?

And the truth just slipped off my tongue. 
And she was surprised.

And I guess I learned my lesson:
just like how some drugs
can't be given in pure form,
 the same goes for honesty.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Roti Bom Telur

Subuh dari Subuh-subuh dari tingkat 7, Oct 4, 2012

And last night, it was the last class with dearest dean for antimicrobial the midst of heavy rain and thunder :)  Despite that, the class was totally awesome! 

Dean shared some home remedies for certain conditions and interesting facts prior to his lecture on antiviral drugs :D

#1 Kalau kene diarrhoea, ambil air rebusan dari tanak/masak nasi and drink. Insha-Allah diarrhoea would go bye-bye in near future. Provided that, nasi tu tidaklah terlalu suci murni dibasuh because if so, all the selenium and some other good things on the surface of the beras hilang and all you get is purely carbs.

#2 Kalau kena selsema that comes with sakit tekak, kumur dengan 1 tsp garam + air suam. Other than that, minum air asam jawa suam because asam jawa has antiviral properties. Tamiflu is actually asam jawa-based. usual, jangan makan makanan pedas and minum air sejuk. Honey + air suam would be good too. And precaution! - don't take honey with metal spoon because there would be interaction with the metal.

I have always found that to leave air sejuk is hard. Lebih biasa dari tidak kalau batuk/sakit tekak, aku minum air asam jawa sejuk campur garam. Ok, aku dah deviate dari jalan yang benar.

#3 Carbohydrate sebenarnya merencat/membantut/mengganggu growth hormone/hormon tumbesaran which accounts for the fact that Asians are generally short because makanan ruji Asians kaya dengan carbs.

#4 Kalau anda seorang yang tidak suka minum susu, dalam intestine anda akan ada banyak Helicobacter Pylori, a bacteria which is found to be able to cause cancer.

And this fact actually got me imagining if I have my own kids later in life and I need to persuade them to drink milk, perhaps I could say "Kalau tak nak minum susu, nanti kannn dalam intestine ada banyak Helicobacter Pylori. Kalau banyak H. Pylori, nanti boleh kena cancer." and then probably the kids would be like "What on earthhhh my mom is talking 0.o ?" or "Helico what.....?" =.="

Anyhow, ternyata aku pasti akan rindu - the way dean would say "Cefa what....?" and also his favourite sentence "Or you assume you know but actually you don't?" :D

Seusai kelas, ada satu member ajak makan sebab beliau belum makan malam lagi (and it was 10 pm ke apa masa tu) maka tiada lagi tempat yang mudah dituju dan pasti ada makanan dan servis tidak terlalu lambat melainkan Khaleel. Dengan penuh keyakinan aku bersetuju, rupanya tertinggal beg wang di bilik. Anyway, that's not the point. The point is, aku buat tempahan Roti Bom Telur.

Tika sudu dan garfu menyentuh lembut tubuh Roti Bom Telur, ingatan membawa aku kembali ke satu malam selepas kerja dahulu, Roti Bom tanpa telur di Salam. Benar, minda akan selalu cuba kaitkan perkara yang kita jumpa dengan perkara yang sama yang kita pernah jumpa. Maka indahlah, jika ada kenangan indah yang bersangkut dengan perkara itu dan sedikit pilulah jika ianya sesuatu yang kau tidak fancy mahu kenang lagi. 

Ada kenalan jemput aku pergi teater di Panggung Pelenggang Cahaya yang bakal berlangsung 20 hingga 23 Disember. Tajuknya - Cumbuan Dosa Semalam. Deskripsinya - "Sebuah teater yang memaparkan sifat manusia yang ketagihkan dosa-dosa lampau. 4 buah cerita realisme yang taboo tetapi dekat dengan masyarakat akan dipertontonkan". 

Kalau peristiwa-peristiwa hidup itu umpama teater.
Aku sudah tonton yang tajuknya seperti itu. Produksi sendiri.
Kadangkala tanpa perancangan, tiba-tiba ada siaran ulangan.

Dan ketika mahu bayar di kaunter,
aku mendapati frasa 'Roti Bom Telur' itu kelakar :)

Sunday, November 25, 2012


(Show-time lepas praktikal - from class rep's cam, Nov 8, 2012)
And so yesterday marks the end of photography class. 

Tugasan terakhir - Kehidupan lorong sekitar Masjid Kapitan Kling.
 (3 best shots in 6R + soft copy)

Few random shots -

(Masjid Kapitan Kling, Nov 24, 2012)

(Amelia Cafe of Armenian Street, Nov 24, 2012)

(Pangkal Lebuh Armenian, Nov 24, 2012)
 Towards the end of photo-taking session, sedar aku majoriti perkara yang aku tangkap jauh lari dari tema street life. Entah berapa kerat saja manusia yang aku babitkan dalam gambar-gambar aku. Blame the astonishing old buildings and street arts boleh..? :D

Somehow I'm reminded of the job interview assessment with Miss Debbita last week. We get to choose any job and be anyone we would like to be. So I was a 27 years old photographer, single and fine with relocation to Bournemouth. Messed up in answering few questions due to a poor (sikit) preparation =.=" Anyway, at the end I just showed her some of my personal works. Kononnya portfolio. It is not something she demanded or expected although required in the job ad I chose though. So she went through my photos with some positive comments.Alhamdulillah, all praise be to Allah :D May I pass the assessment, amin!

And finally she asked -
Do you really wanna be a pharmacist? Or is it something your parents expect of you?
I just told her it's my choice. Well it is. No pressure from parents at all. Had a thought of changing course upon completion of Australian Matriculation though but sponsor wouldn't allow switching to a course out of the field I am in. So here I am pursuing what I'm pursuing at the moment. As always, all of us have various un-achieved dreams I believe. And I believe while we plan for our tomorrows, Allah too plans for our tomorrows and His plan is what'll happen and His plan is nothing else but the best. I guess I'm meant to be where I am. And despite having to compound drugs, prepare IV infusions, analyzing electrocardiograph, memorizing drugs' doses et cetera, who says I can't continue to love capturing photos :)

(Us with En. Asyiek :) - taken from En. Asyiek's FB, Nov 24, 2012)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

of priority, discipline and attending classes

Aina, July 15, 2012

Of priority, discipline and attending classes.
Dan sememangnya aku bukan manusia yang paling optimum untuk bicara soal ini. Ya iyalah, dalam latihan kebakaran dua hari lalu saja aku menyambut deringan membingitkan loceng kebakaran yang menembus mimpi yang membuai ku lena dengan teguh mengekalkan status aku sebagai manusia berselimut. Namun jika benar harus aku capai tingkatan itu dahulu maka aku khuatir sampai bila-bila mungkin aku takkan mula kata. Izin aku letak ketidaklayakan aku ke belakang.

Entah minggu bila aku periksa dinding mukabuku dan aku lihat satu kawan 'suka' satu artikel. Artikel yang aku klik capaiannya dan baca dari huruf pertama hingga akhir. Artikel yang sebahagian isinya bercerita tentang keutamaan, disiplin dan menghadiri kelas.

Artikel ini - Pelajaran Merosot, Salah Gerakan Islam atau Individu?

Barangkali melihatkan tajuknya, mungkin ada yang punya rasa ianya spesifik buat mereka yang turut serta mana-mana Islamic movements, societies, clubs etc. Setelah baca, rasa aku, sebahagian besar isinya relevan buat semua. Tidak kiralah yang menyertai sebarang gerakan islam mahupun tidak kerana di akhir cerita sebagai manusia yang tunduk pada Yang Maha Esa, kita bergerak bersama Islam.

Satu kali petik...

"Masalah akademik, kehadiran ke kelas serta pointer mungkin nampak biasa bagi sesetengah orang. Memang benar, pointer tinggi belum tentu menandakan kejayaan dalam kehidupan. Selalu hadir ke kelas pun belum tentu kita akan berjaya dalam peperiksaan akhir.
Tetapi, semua itu sebenarnya melambangkan nilai disiplin dalam diri kita.

Pointer tinggi atau rendah, bukan itu yang utama, tetapi  yang penting usaha kita mesti kuat ke arah mencapai yang paling tinggi. Faham atau tidak pelajaran, berjaya atau tidak dalam peperiksaan akhir, yang penting kita menanam disiplin dalam diri untuk rajin hadirkan diri ke kelas.

Itulah nilai disiplin kita. Apa guna berkobar-kobar laungkan seruan Islam, tetapi selalu tidak hadir ke kuliah? Apa makna dakwah kalau kita sendiri ketika belajar telah menghilangkan nilai berkah ketika menuntut ilmu itu dengan selalu tidak hadir ke kelas?"

Dua kali petik...

"Islam tidak pernah mengajar kita untuk berlebih-lebihan dalam satu hal sehingga menzalimi satu hal lain dalam kehidupan kita. Seimbang dan sederhanalah.

Juga yang paling penting, berusahalah menyusun prioriti. Jangan kerana kesalahan diri kita sendiri, kita membawa fitnah yang lebih buruk kepada Islam.

Yang lebih utama, kita utamakan.
Yang tidak utama, kita kemudiankan.

Biar ketika kita menyebarluaskan Islam ini, bukan kata-kata saja yang menebar, bahkan ia hadir bersama contoh-contoh yang segar!"

Dan sungguh ayat penutup itu seperti sebaldi simbahan air sejuk ke muka dalam dingin hujan petang Sabtu. Ouuu fresh example, please, lady writer! =.="

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Justice for Gaza, please

 In Herald Online...
"We fundamentally believe that Israel has the right to defend itself and its citizens from terrorist threats"
 'Palestine' instead of 'Israel', that'll make the statement more just.

di sebelah sini dunia
sukar sungguh rasa aku
hujan lebat tanpa payung

di sebelah sana dunia
tabah saudara-saudara aku
hujan peledak tanpa bumbung

...bertahan dengan kalimah 'Hasbunallah'


"We see what is happening in Gaza as blatant aggression against humanity.
I warn and repeat my warning to the aggressors that they will never rule over the people of Gaza." -Mursi-

for the sadistic aggressors,

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

the encounter

a new building, under construction, in me uni. sekian lama dibawah konstruksi, rupanya sudah menggapai langit. aku?

and so this morning while I scroll down my Facebook news feed,
I found a new post from I Wrote This For You.

right click, open link in a new tab and...

"The universe curves, as does the Earth. And as hard as you try and run away from everything you are, you'll find yourself where you left yourself when you come home. Just tired.

Fix yourself before you try and outrun yourself."

and suddenly the line "Go fix yourself!"
from Scars by Papa Roach echoes in my head.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

book fair

Took my two sweet little nieces to Popular book fair...

Bought a book for each of them. Sorry morry lah yo auntie no loaded~

After lepak-ing at the book fair, since they still wanna walk around, I suggested going to the first floor and they themselves decided to masuk bookstore :D They wanted to go read for free at the children's reading area and so I too go around checking out books. And a magazine... A Gen-Q to be precise and found some interesting things in the previous month's issue :D  -

This was Zaid's (am not sure which Zaid, but he's a sahabah) answer when Rasulullah asked him
"Bagaimana keadaanmu hari ini?". Much like tanya khabar right, and masha-Allah his answer~

 The two little girls approached me and complained about how bored they got after browsing for some books to read at the kids' section. There were some tafsir on the nearby shelf. While roaming around me, checking out some books, I bet the tafsir caught the 9-yo's attention and so she reached for one and started flipping through the pages. She then got excited upon finding lines that are familiar like those of al-Fajr and some other chapters in juz amma. She started reading some and she seemed to enjoy it. Then she told me how she find that small tafsir very portable and that she could bring it here and there.

She said she wants one. Masha-Allah.

Since there were not much choices there and I believe it's better for her to get the one slightly bigger (so that the letters are clearer for her to identify) which has the cover with zip for extra protection, I promised to take her to another bookstore which I'm pretty sure would sell that kind of tafsir. And so we went there and she got herself a RM38 tafsir. She didn't have enough money though. Both of them has 20 something and finally her sister 'donated' RM10 so that she could get her tafsir. Her purse was totally cleared...

"Mahalnya, duit kakak dah habis terus. Tapi tak pa lah, dapat al-Quran."


On our way back we passed by a destroyed forest at which there are lots of homeless monkeys. The kids were chatting about the monkeys and I am not sure why but my 9-yo Aina said

"Diorang pun macam kita jugak, Allah yang beri diorang nyawa untuk hidup."

Reminds me of 6:38

"And there is no creature on [or within] the earth or bird that flies with its wings except [that they are] communities like you."


At home, near Maghrib, Aina came to me with her newly bought tafsir. She asked if i could listen to her reading Quran and when would be the right time to read. I just told her after Maghrib would be nice.

And so she came to pray Maghrib at my room then after the prayer she brought the tafsir and read it with me checking. She read asy-Syams and al-Lail. When she finished al-Lail, I decided to tadabbur it with her. So we went through the translation and masha-Allah she seemed to enjoy doing so!

And last night, I was doing my work in front of the big black box (tv). Bini-bini perkasa was on the tv because Aina wanted to watch it. I think after a while she got bored. Didn't hear her voice for quite some time so I decided to turn around...

She's checking out her new tafsir, not sure what she's reading but she's reading it. Masha-Allah.

How pure these children are.
My heart just melt.

Monday, November 12, 2012


"You look different."

I find such statement to be scary.
Because it raises the question - Better or Worse?

I'm afraid if the truth is the latter.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


my half-dead pokok inai, April 14

Pegang janji aku. Genggam janji Tuhan. Kerana kata-kata aku rapuh.

Serapuh kepastian ketersampaian nafasku kepada detik yang mendatang.

'Kun fayakun' bukan bidang kuasa aku.

Sudah lama tidak aku menghambur keluar little thoughts dalam kepala through fingertips yang akan ligat run around papan kekunci, meletakkan lebih pressure pada koordinat yang sepatutnya. Banyak yang terlintas di kepala dan akhirnya disappear into thin air. Urusan-urusan tiba dengan kadar yang menyebabkan kesesakan trafik dalam menyelesaikan semuanya. Dan harus aku adil dalam beri lampu hijau pada mana-mana pihak. Cuma tinggal 2 hari sebelum hadirnya 9 hari bebas dari rutin biasa, namun sudah ada kewajipan yang beratur menunggu dilayan :) Insha-Allah untuk semuanya ada kemampuan. Insha-Allah.

Kelmarin dulu dulu ada satu kawan kongsi pesanan Imam Hassan al-Banna. Tertarik aku pada pesanan nombor sepuluh iaitu yang terakhir -

Kewajipan-kewajipan kita lebih banyak daripada masa yang ada padakita,
oleh itu gunakanlah masa dengan sebaik-baiknya dan ringkaskanlah perlaksanaannya.