Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tenggiri Fish Cutlets


courtesy of Naveen Talalla.
taken from The Star.

3 medium-sized tenggiri cuts
1 medium sized potato
1 large onion (finely chopped)
1 small bunch of fresh coriander leaves (daun ketumbar)/spring onions (chopped jugak)
4 stalks chives (kucai), cut into 1cm lengthwise
2 tbsp finely chopped carrots
1 egg yolk
1 tsp chilli powder
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp fish curry powder
salt +pepper
1 egg yolk (lightly beaten)
1 egg white to bind cutlets
bread crumbs for coating
oil for frying

1. Boil the fish until cooked --> place in strainer (make sure water is completely drained from the fish) ---> remove bones & place in a bowl

2. Boil potato until soft ---> remove ---> leave to cool ---> remove skin ---> mash

3. Combine fish +potato ---> mash! ---> add chilli powder, turmeric powder, fish curry powder, salt, pepper ---> mix well

4. Add in onion, chives, carrots + coriander leaves

5. Add in egg yolk ---> mix well

6. Shape the mixture into a medium oval shape or as desired

7. Dip cutlet in egg white ---> coat with bread crumbs ---> fry in HOT oil until golden brown

This makes 10 - 12 cutlets =)

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