Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I was doing my assignment when my 9-year-old niece, Aisha came into my room to chat with me. We were talking2 and I told her that she can go play on my bed if she wants (planning to continue my work). She played with my soft toys, making stories... "..and the little bear ride on the little lamb and both of them went on the raccoon's back..." and so on.

i was then drowned in my work and didn't pay attention to her story until i heard "...God is half boy and half girl...". I was like "How do you know that?", sorry i forgot her answer.. And then i told her "God doesn't have gender ____". She replied something I don't remember and the she said "Wouldn't it be good if there are more Gods so they can get married and have children...".

I was speechless!


budakhitam said...

n i'm speechless too

Aisyah Shams said...

influence from d B/Hollywood films

anisewater said...

she's cute...
but spechlessss too...XP

ss said...


Dayangku Alina said...

haha aisha aisha,, terpengaruh ngan greek gods..?
when did ur sis came back dear?

Nini Hartini said...

wkwkwkwk...then cmne Qis jawab? hehe...

Kalau boleh jgn biar soalan mcm ni berlalu tanpa jawapan..

Kalau akak, mgkn akak akan jawab

-Allah tu 1 - cerita dgn lbh terperinci.

- Allah tak boleh ada byk sbb kalau byk nnt kita nak dengar cakap Allah yg mana? Then bg lah contoh pd hal2 yg dia nampak -sesuai dgn usia aisha :)

Yg penting, jgn salah ber Info. sbb kanak2 ni apa yg dia belajar buat ertama kali, mmg dia akn ingat sampai ke tua. hihi..