Monday, June 21, 2010

2 + 4 = 24

It has been one year since I entered Ausmat.
Something unplanned.
I was so into Chemical Engineering after SPM.
As someone who like to relax a lot, I wanted to take a diploma.
And it was OBJECTED by my dad.
I did not want to go overseas too.
So I never plan to take JPA's offer.
I applied cuz my dad wanted me to.
I entered Kolej Matrikulasi Kedah.
Taking Sains Fizikal.
But then the JPA letter arrived at my house's mailbox.
And my dad seemed like really hoping that I would change my mind.
I pitied him... For the sake of pity... Oh dear.. I changed my mind...
And get myself into something I never wanted.

I find it's really hard to fight the feeling of regret.
I hated it when I do things half-heartedly.
I never liked waking up in the morning with a sudden sadness thinking I shouldn't have changed my mind. =.="
Segala yang berlaku ada hikmahnya. Mungkin ini satu ujian. Mungkin ini satu pengajaran.

So what's with 2 + 4 = 24?
Today our results are out.
Ranked 24.
Average 81 i think, did not remember.
It's a B.

But living a life half-heartedly is in a way... meaningless.
Something has to change.
Paradigm or Action.


Qaseh Dania said...

congrats ye..=)
xpe,mgkin qis akn minat jgk ..insyALLAH..ape2 pon wt yg trbaik utk diri qis n fmly..kalu kite study ape yg kite mint yg lg mudah kn..xpe, semuanye dh fate kn..=) tngu n lihat ape kesudahannye...=)

paah said...

tahniah tina :)

rank aku teruk :(
i'll try my best 3rd sem ni :)

Aisyah Shams said...


awe said...

kalao half-heartedly dapat 24,
yg whole heartedly nih macam mana? ;(
neway, congrates sis :)