Friday, May 11, 2012


banyak benda-benda kecil yang cantik. hukum alam - memang yang besar jadi perhatian.
tapi kita boleh pilih apa kita mau lihat :) ps - bunga tu macam optic fibre lamp.

Indeed there is no coincidence... every single thing happens for a reason, every single thing is perfectly planned. 

“We hold the store of every thing and we send it down in an appointed measure”. (15:21

I believe all of us have those days/moments when we would feel like oh-nasib-baik-I-did-this/that. In fact, I just felt that few minutes back. Went to the laundry room just now. Of course, to do laundry. On my way back to my room, I thought boleh masuk lagi few more clothes ni dalam the washing machine. Sampai-sampai bilik, malas kurang rajin pula nak return to the laundry room but somehow, I did return with few more clothes. And tadaa~ I saw my purse on the washing machine :D yes, I accidentally left it there. 

Subhanallah. The perfection of His plan. 

It might be just a simple incidence but Allahuakbar. Dia yang mengilhamkan jiwa untuk mengenal jalan yang baik dan yang buruk (91:8) Dia yang mengilhamkan rasa. Seterusnya kitalah yang bertindak. Dan kemampuan untuk bertindak itu juga kurnia rahmatNya. The ability I had to return to the laundry room despite feelin' a bit lazy was His kurnia. Masha-Allah. La haula wa la quwwata illa billah. And perhaps why is He 'making' me return to the laundry room was because I left my purse there without realizing :)

And yesterday, I had dosage form lab in the evening. 
Having lab in the evening adalah sangat-sangat tak best. But tell you what, again, He planned everything perfectly. Impeccable. The evening before, I had a group presentation for a subject and at night, there's a  Majlis Ta'lim (it's a weekly majlis, have been declining the ajakan to the majlis due to having loads of stuffs-to-do but alhamdulillah Dia lapangkan hari itu, alhamdulillah dapat hadirkan diri sebab the next day tu lab petang jadi ada la paginya untuk revise kalau malam tu tak sempat) and after the majlis, I had something to settle with a group member for  a video assignment. The moment, everything was settled, it was already late (well, at least, for me) and I haven't revise anything at all for the lab. Imagine IF my lab were in the morning, menangis lah~ 

Subhanallah. The beauty of His plan. 

Aku percaya, semua juga pernah lalui situasi begitu, dalam sedar atau tanpa sedar. Adakalanya kita sungguh hanyut dalam segala urusan dunia, sibuk dengan pelbagai komitment, sehinggakan kita terlepas pandang perkara-perkara kecil begitu yang merupakan nikmat yang cukup besar dari Tuhan. Subhanallah. "Maka nikmat Tuhanmu yang manakah yang hendak kamu dustakan?" (the repeating verse in ar-Rahman)

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