Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Stuffs I learn from pregnancy and childbirth

I was a pretty lazy and clueless mom-to-be, staying in hostel, juggling with assignment, reports, lab sessions, clerkships in hospital, classes. Roughly took care of the basics and a little extras. Took a number of things for granted. So, there were a number of things I wish I did, I wish I knew and some that I'm glad I did. Might not be able to recall all so here's few that I wish to save here.

#1 Do research, read, learn, ask, google about pregnancy and labor stuffs like healthy diet during pregnancy, practices to ease childbirth, milk boosters etc and do put them into action. 

#2 Palmer's cocoa butter cream for preventing stretchmarks works wonders provided that you apply it before the stretchmarks appear. 

#3 Consume olive oil on a regular basis. Biiznillah, it may ease childbirth. Suggested by one of my lecturers. They have olive oil in capsules nowadays so need not go through the discomfort of swallowing the oil. I started late and pretty much regret that.

#4 Glucose drink during pregnancy may help prevent jaundice in newborns - a pharmacist told me. Not sure how and whether this really works for everyone but she spoke from experience. Sis-in-law's recommendation was Ribena and air sengkuang cina (water chestnut).

#5 Learn about perineal massage and you may do it or get help to get it done. From kakak's labor experience in the US, nurses would do perineal massage in the labor room. I'm not sure which hospital in Malaysia provides that or whether it is upon request. 

#6 Attend prenatal classes if possible. I didn't and kinda regret that.

#7 Solcoseryl jelly works wonders on episiotomy wound.

#8 Sitz bath is really great to ease the pain down there and somehow helps to trigger bowel movement. For cleaning purpose, instead of just warm water for the sitz bath, asam keping and a bit of salt may be added. From sis-in-law's experience at Bagan specialist, the hospital provides sitz bath in the ward. I didn't get that. Sobs. But million thanks to sis-in-law for pharmacy-hopping to find the sitz bath basin for me. From kakak's experience in US, the hospital provides sitz bath and even let you bring the basin home. And not just that, they too give squirt bottles which squirts water gently, in which you could fill with warm water for washing down there. Kakak brought hers for me.

#9 Check if the hospital provides infrared or UV therapy for episiotomy wound. Sis-in-law got that and it was pretty helping with the healing, she said. 

#10 There are plenty of stuffs for pregnancy and baby which you don't really need. The marketing people made them sound like a necessity but nah they're not. It's easy to think  you need them and end up getting those unnecessary stuffs when you have plenty of money in hand. Best decision is when you have financial limitation, you'll tend to consider a lot of things and reconsider and maybe reconsider again. Aha. 

#11 Choose the most comfortable place possible for confinement. Consider less about what other's got to say. Listen to yourself. Because you're the one who will be in pain and much discomfort. And know that you will need lots of help so do ask for help when you need and let yourself be helped.

#12 Use suitable barut/bengkung/corset whatever as early as possible. Starting late might make it somewhat difficult to get back in shape. You don't want to look like 3 months pregnant even after baby is already out for 3 months. Ahaha siapalah tu kan.

#13 Not all elderly tips/advices are right/safe though many are. Do research/ask doctor etc.

#14 Tell your gynae about your birth plan. Make sure they are aware of how you want it to be like all natural, no induction etc. Make sure you know their plan as well like if there's complication other than the ones that would need c-sec, what would they resort to - vacuum, forcep etc. 

#15 Pregnancy and childbirth experience would differ from one person to another. Some could happily dance through all that, literally. Some had a truly tough time. Some are in the middle. C'est la vie.

#16 You gotta be strong and stay strong. 

Fatimatuzzahrah 7 days old :)

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