Sunday, December 16, 2012

secangkir kopi

dear father's old bday gift from nobody-remembers-who. (April 11, 2012)

Sepetang damai.
Secangkir penuh kopi pekat.


It's really sad to see people selling their faith for passion, money and fame.
And being encouraged to do so.

It's really sad to see the politicians' promises and indirect beautified threats.
Are they trying to serve the people for real or serve the people to achieve personal goals?

It's really sad to see people fighting for a huge amanah, perceiving it as merely power..wealth...etc.

It's really sad that we punish some people for the sins they try to hide and clap our hands to some for the sins they made glamorous.

It's really sad that some sins become trends.

It's really sad that we sometimes limit the source of happiness to be only from games, music, dancing, jokes and other common forms of entertainment.

It's really sad to see part of the ummah dividing themselves. 
Are we letting brotherhood to be defeated by ego?

It's really sad that even basic necessities are becoming unaffordable for some.

It's really sad that people cheat for profit.

It's really sad...

Sehirup lagi.


Cangkir kosong.


Sekurangnya bukan secangkir kopi semata?


malek rajiae said...

touche..terutama bab dosa orang yang disembunyi,tapi tetap dicari dan dihukumi..dosa yang terang2 matahari,tapi disanjungi..

Anonymous said...

hmm, secangkir ya... mungkin bahasa saya tidaklah sehebat A Samad Said.. bukankah secangkir itu maksudnya cawan? namun visual saudari menunjukkan gambar sebiji gelas atau dalam bahasa asingnya mug.. :)

MamaTim said...

I on the other hand accept secangkir as cawan, for a mug is also a cup, only without a saucer. Let's keep an open mind and embrace life kindly.

Yep how sad to see our society divided - they see differences more profoundly than the stuff that are common in each and every one. AsSalammu'alaikum..

khadijah said...

Walaikumsalam mamatim :)

anyway, this actually triggered me to look up for cangkir, mug and gelas in DBP's online. interestingly, all 3 seems to have different takrifan. hehe... and mug is koleh :D ok. baru belajar.

Anonymous said...

lol, kak qis~ replied the comment at 7.38am...haiyaaa, pttnya study phy pharm mehh... nyhow, nice job jumpa the meaning...hahaha

glad that i triggered you.. :P
peace yaww...

khadijah said...

replied while baca phypharm, tu lah kot sampai lupa2 tadi what i've read.. =.=""

miss anon ni patut mau kena bash balik ni... dah la gelas tu mmg totally a different kind of apparatus for drinking.. hahaha

Anonymous said...

well, mengikut ilmu saya yang cetek ini, gelas adalah bekas untuk minum yang tidak bertangkai....

mug pula, ya, nama dalam bahasa ibunda adalah koleh...haha

so, your title sepatutnya sekoleh kopi ,instead of secangkir kopi... XD

khadijah said...

well i saw somebody said gelas is mug....hahaha

lalala~ photograph doesn't have to always be exactly/literally depicting what's in the writing. deviating from exactness adalah seni :P

tau la ada org happy dpt helmet baru kannnn, dia duk mai komplen pasal cawan pulak kat sini ye....haha

Anonymous said...

must be typo because over excited to kenakan u...

dem! how did u figured that out????

khadijah said...

because I'm kak qis.
that's how.. hahaha

Anonymous said...

nope, people call you adi, qis, tina and more....haha... hanya dua tiga kerat ja yg pggl kak qis...wahaaaa

khadijah said...

and more..? haha...