Friday, April 29, 2011

of grandma & marriage

Nenek aku nak kahwin?
Haishhh bukan... bukan ah..bukan macam tu...
Perasan tak biasanya women boleh remain jadi single parent sampai akhir hayat
tapi kalau men....... jarang lahhh nak jumpa~
Kuat kan women =D
Ok that's a different story.

Pernah suatu ketika nenek cakap kat aku
"Tok risau la tengok Tina. Mak pun dah tak dak. Tina kahwin lah.
Kurang-kurang ada lah jugak orang nak jaga, tengok tengokkan...."
Aku cuma senyum pada nenek dan sambung tengok televisyen.

Tok, tak yah lah risau, cucu tok ni tough oh!
Masih ada nikmat tangan, kalau nangis, boleh lap sendiri.

Kenapa letak gambar Corpse Bride?
Aku agak tersentuh tengok citer ni. Sedih. Emily was cheated by her fiance and he murdered her for her money. She then became a ghost who was waiting for her groom to place the wedding ring on her finger. Victor, who was in love and in fact supposed to get married with Victoria who was practising his wedding vows in the forest, accidentally placed the wedding ring on Emily's finger. The naive Emily thought her soulmate has come but sadly it's someone else's. Long story short, at the end, Emily realized how Victor & Victoria loved each other and that she's the third party, and therefore set Victor free.

everybody has a story to tell. more often than not, the story remains untold

menyesal dahulu pendapatan, menyesal kemudian..

hanya doa dapat dikirimkan...

Terasa tersisih sendiri di pinggir sana
Kau tiada lagi di sampingku berbicara menyalakan api
Tika kau disampingku tuturmu ku anggap bisu
Tingkahmu untukku sumbang bagi diriku
Harapanmu padaku tidak kuendahkan

Nasihatmu madu penyembuh luka
Pabila bersamamu hilang dukaku
Lewat kusedari nilai cintamu
Pabila kau tiada lagi disisiku
Belaianmu kini masih terasa
Restu darimu membawa ku ke syurga

Lewat kusedari nilai cintamu
Pabila kau tiada lagi di sisiku

Andai dapat ku kembali mengubah yang terjadi
Pasti takkan kuulangi walau hanya sekali
Namun hanya doa yang bisa kukirimkan

Lewat kusedari nilai cintamu
Pabila kau tiada lagi di sisiku

Ku kan cuba tempuh hidup sendiri
Kerna kita kan akhirnya sendiri

-Sendiri by Saujana-

Dan Tuhanmu telah perintahkan, supaya engkau tidak menyembah melainkan kepadaNya semata-mata, dan hendaklah engkau berbuat baik kepada ibu bapa. Jika salah seorang dari keduanya, atau kedua-duanya sekali, sampai kepada umur tua dalam jagaan dan peliharaanmu, maka janganlah engkau berkata kepada mereka (sebarang perkataan kasar) sekalipun perkataan "Ah", dan janganlah engkau menengking menyergah mereka, tetapi katakanlah kepada mereka perkataan yang mulia (yang bersopan santun). Dan hendaklah engkau merendah diri kepada keduanya kerana belas kasihan dan kasih sayangmu, dan doakanlah (untuk mereka, dengan berkata): "Wahai Tuhanku! Cucurilah rahmat kepada mereka berdua sebagaimana mereka telah mencurahkan kasih sayangnya memelihara dan mendidikku semasa kecil."(17:23&24)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Jadilah macam itik dalam kolam.
Nampak begitu tenang meski kaki sibuk berkayuh agar tidak tenggelam.

-Muqaddimah, TV9, this morning-

If you believe in Jesus, you would believe in Muhammad

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The title sounds heavy right~

This video was posted on FB by a friend of mine, Rabihah and I feel the need to share it.

Watch this and read this post with an open mind and an open heart =)

I adore they way Dr. Zakir Naik explained his argument clearly and how he strengthen them with evidence not just from al-Quran, but from the Bible itself too. It made me wonder if someone actually approached me and ask the same question, I might not be able to give a good answer. Oh there are so much more that I've to learn~

I'm not good at summarizing but basically the argument revolves around Jesus being the son of God and why in Islam, he is not.

So, is Jesus a son of God?
Well that would depend on how you define the phrase 'son of God'. If you define it as a person who follows all the commandments of God, then Adam, Ibrahim and all the messengers of God would be sons of God either and all of us who follows God's commandments would be the children of God. However, in Islam, Adam, Jesus, Ibrahim, Noah (peace be upon them) are referred to as the messengers of God and basically all of us are God's servants. Besides, in al-Quran, Allah never refer to Himself as 'father', instead he uses 'Rabb'. People might have confused with some sentences in the Bible, al-Quran has all the answers.

Jesus is the begotten son of God?
In the New Revised Standard Version of Bible, the word 'begotten' is eliminated. Reason - it does not exist in the original text. Adding to that, al-Quran has clearly explained this in Surah Al-Ikhlas. "Say, He is Allah, the One and Only. Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born. Nor is there to Him any equivalent" (112: 1-4).

Jesus's mother, Mary is a virgin. Jesus has no father. Does that makes him the son of God?
Allah is the creator of the universe and all of the contents. Say, [O Muhammad], "Travel through the land and observe how He began creation. Then Allah will produce the final creation. Indeed Allah , over all things, is competent." (29:20). So Mary, a virgin and untouched, gave birth to Jesus, the messenger of God. Why is that impossible? There is no limitation to God's power. Besides, lets consider Adam, he does not have a father or a mother. If you say Jesus is a son of God because he only has a mother then Adam, no father, no mother, would be the greater son of God. Well of course, that's not how it is in Islam. Again, al-Quran explains it all. Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was (3:59).

So Jesus is not son of God and he is not God?
If the phrase 'son of God' means a pious man, then he is. To make things simple, Jesus is a messenger of God and he never claim himself as God. Not once.
And [make him] a messenger to the Children of Israel, [who will say], 'Indeed I have come to you with a sign from your Lord in that I design for you from clay [that which is] like the form of a bird, then I breathe into it and it becomes a bird by permission of Allah . And I cure the blind and the leper, and I give life to the dead - by permission of Allah . And I inform you of what you eat and what you store in your houses. Indeed in that is a sign for you, if you are believers. And [I have come] confirming what was before me of the Torah and to make lawful for you some of what was forbidden to you. And I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear Allah and obey me. Indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is the right path" (3:49-51).

Muslims believe in Jesus too?
Yes, we do. We love Jesus too and we follow his teachings as well. For example, circumcision and the fact that we are not supposed to have pork & alcohol. Majority of Muslims are circumcised, not the Christians. Muslims do not eat pork but most Christians do. Muslim do not have alcohol but again, most Christians do. In a way, it seems like Muslims are more Christian than most of the Christians.

Why do I say "If you believe in Jesus, you would believe in Muhammad"?
Because Jesus (pbuh) has mentioned in the Bible that there is another prophet coming after him. Jesus (pbuh) is a messenger of Allah. Muhammad (pbuh) too.

I am just 20 and I write based on my level of understanding of this deen. I admit, there is still a lot for me to learn. One thing that is certain - Islam is true. And it is such a beautiful deen. And the sweetness of indescribable =) And for those who disagree, it's okay. There is no force on anyone to embrace Islam. "For you is your religion and for me is my religion" (109:6). Besides, only Allah has the power to give hidayah - Indeed, [O Muhammad], you do not have the power to give hidayah to (enlighten the heart of) whom you like, but Allah gives hidayah (guides) whom He wills. And He is most knowing of the [rightly] guided (28:56).

May Allah bless you.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Dan (ingatlah) ketika Syaitan memperhiaskan kepada mereka perbuatan mereka (yang salah itu, untuk dipandang elok dan diteruskan), serta menghasut mereka dengan berkata: "Pada hari ini tidak ada sesiapa pun dari umat manusia yang dapat mengalahkan kamu, dan sesungguhnya aku adalah pelindung dan penolong kamu". Maka apabila kedua-dua puak (angkatan tentera Islam dan kafir musyrik) masing-masing kelihatan (berhadapan), Syaitan itu berundur ke belakang sambil berkata: "Aku berlepas diri dari kamu, kerana aku dapat melihat apa yang kamu tidak dapat melihatnya; sesungguhnya aku takut kepada Allah, dan Allah sangat berat azab seksaNya". (8:48)

Terang tang tang dengan solid evidence kita diberitahu yang syaitan tipu kita
dan seringkali masih juga kita tertipu =.="
Nauzubillah min zalik~

Oleh itu, patutkah kamu hendak menjadikan iblis dan keturunannya sebagai sahabat-sahabat karib yang menjadi pemimpin selain daripadaku? Sedang mereka itu ialah musuh bagi kamu. Amatlah buruknya bagi orang-orang yang zalim: pengganti yang mereka pilih itu. (18:50)

Dan Allah tidak sekali-kali akan menyeksa mereka, sedang engkau (wahai Muhammad) ada di antara mereka; dan Allah tidak akan menyeksa mereka sedang mereka beristighfar (meminta ampun).

Sunday, April 24, 2011

anugerah itu

anugerah itu...
brought me to the right track.

dan anugerah itu...
makes it hard for me to stay on it.

rupanya ujian yang berat itu
hadir sebagai anugerah yang ku rasa indah

"Among you are some who desire this world and some who desire the Hereafter" (3:152)

dunia cuma sementara, akhirat itu selamanya
wahai iman, mahu yang mana?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Cain & Abel khatam sudah

once upon a time, i was BIGGGG fan of Korean dramas. Sebab apa? Sebab hero dia OMG x 10 sangat sweetttt! Lepas tu wonder why can't men be like those heroes in Korean dramas~ Lepas tu berangan kalau one day dapat marry a guy like that and live happily ever after macam dlam Disney movies~ Hahaha tapi at one point, aku dah bosan dengan typical storyline and characteristics of the characters. Padahal tak tengok banyak mana sangat pun. Tapi aku rasa ending Memories in Bali paling agak menghampakan. Semua mati =.="""" Penat aku follow drama tu kat NTV7 dulu.

Lepas aku give up dengan drama korea, abang aku introduce drama2 jepun lak. Tak banyak pun la aku tengok. Just One Litre of Tears, Kurosagi, Nobuta wo Produce dan citer apa ntah yang ada Matsumoto Jun tu, Great Teacher Onizuka ke apa. Dulu minat giler kat Matsu Jun. Yang best tentang drama jepun ialah, ada yang tak sampai 20 episodes pun pastu ada variety dalam storyline. And oh ya, citer One Litre of Tears kalau tengok, memang mampu buat penonton menangis, tapi tak sure la kalau air mata tue boleh sampai 1 litre. Kena try bawak measuring cylinder tengok citer tu la.

Ok back to the main point of this entry. So this is the first time tengok korean drama lepas dah lama giler tak tengok. My brother cakap best. So aku dah abiskan 21 jam gitu la untuk tengok Cain & Abel. Bukan dalam sehari la semestinya. Aku rasa citer dia memang best, boleh buat aku rasa nak tengok continuously sampai abis. Besides, storyline dia tidaklah tentang cinta semata-mata. Tapi elemen cinta tu tetap ada and seperti biasa akan ada scene yang boleh buat aku "ooohhh", "ahhhh", "OMG sweetnye mamat ni!!".

Dalam citer ni, you can see betapa kita ni, manusia, sering buat kesilapan, tanpa sedar, bila dah sedar dan dalam sedar. It's about family, sibling rival, love, jealousy, brotherhood, friendship, corruption, struggle to survive~ So tak boring laa. And yang interesting nye, the 'cain' and 'abel' dalam citer nie are doctors, to be precise, surgeons, jadi ada several parts yang tunjuk diorang tengah buat surgery and parts tu nampak real~ Dan sambil tengok boleh la belajar medical terms such as astrocytoma, cordoma, hypovolemic etc. =D

Tidaklah drama ni perfect sama sekali. Of course there are parts yang over-dramatic jugak. But...Pendek kata, it's worth watching ^_^

4 perbuatan itu

Kebaikan itu semuanya terhimpun dalam 4 perkara iaitu percakapan, diam, pandangan dan gerak.

Tiap-tiap percakapan yang tidak disertai dengan mengingati Allah adalah sia-sia.

Tiap-tiap diam yang tidak disertai dengan memikirkan kebesaran Allah adalah leka.

Tiap-tiap pandangan yang tidak disertai dengan pengambilan iktibar adalah lalai.

Tiap-tiap gerak yang tidak disertai dengan perhambaan adalah kosong.

Semoga Allah merahmati hamba yang telah menjadikan percakapannya sebagai zikir, diamnya sebagai tafakkur, pandangannya sebagai iktibar, dan geraknya sebagai perhambaan, dan daripada lisan serta tangannya manusia mendapat kesejahteraan.

Kata-kata hikmah dari Saidina Ali Karamallahu Wajhah

Saturday, April 16, 2011

hari bahagia itu

Setelah sekian lama menanti. Akhirnya tiba juga hari indah itu, hari dilamar untuk menjadi suri hati seorang lelaki. Alhamdulillah, kedua ibu bapa juga setuju. Ya, dah nak kahwin =) This year get engaged dan insya-Allah tahun depan diijabkabulkan. Saat termanis dalam hidup seorang wanita.


Bukan aku. Haha. omg rasa macam kejapnya masa berlalu, my dearest ex-roommate kat KMK dulu dah nak kawen! kawen you! omg~ i'm so excited. Fatimah dah nak kawen! so happy for her! Alhamdulillah finally she found her prince charming~ Timah dun worry, nanti insya-Allah we all turun Ipoh~ Dah start planning nie dengan Cidah dah ni..

So mana bakal pengantin? Jeng jeng jeng =D she's in the picture below. Mana satu?
Ce teke ce teke?

omg, rindu pulak kat those times in KMK. my roommates, cidah, nadia, timah =D sayang korang. ain, my bestfriend masa skola rendah pun lepas spm, sesat sampai kmk jugak. pic bawah nie masa jatuh basikal. kuang x 3. tue la, basikal untuk 2, naik sampai 3 orang.. hahaha *padahal aku pun terlibat sama*

And then.. tadaa~ da pretty lady tudung colour brown kat bawah ni was my kuliah-mate, lunch-mate, dinner-mate, tutorial-mate, walk-mate ~ Nana! ingat tak Walk-mate! Hehe
yang prempuan baju merah tudung hitam tue entah sapa entah, sesat dalam pic nie. =P

This picture was taken during my last day in KMK.
Itu Nana. Itu Kyrel.
Sekarang dah together-gether =)
Happy for you two jugak.
Bila nak kawen? Hahaha

Oh ye.. and recently, my classmate masa form 5 got engaged.
Congrats to Siti Syazwani too~

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

4 perkara itu

Hadis Rasulullah S.A.W.
Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Dzar Al-Ghiffari.

Saya telah diwasiatkan oleh kekasih saya 4 perkara yang saya kira itu adalah merupakan perkara yang saya cukup ingati lebih daripada dunia dan segala kandungannya. Yang pertama kata Rasulullah S.A.W. , teguhkanlah bahteramu kerana lautan yang kamu harungi itu adalah terlalu dalam. Kemudian Rasulullah berkata lagi, banyakkanlah bekalan kerana perjalananmu cukup jauh. Dan yang ketiga, ringankan belakangmu kerana yang didaki itu terlalu curam. Dan yang terakhir katanya, ikhlaskan segala amal perbuatanmu kerana yang menilai, yang memeriksa itu amat mengetahui amat melihat apa yg kita lakukan. Oleh itu segala yang kita lahirkan dengan penuh keikhlasan dan kejujuran kerana Allah S.W.T. Bukan kerana kemegahan diri kita, bukan kerana keagungan kita. Tetapi semata-mata kerana Allah kerana kemegahan kita hanya akan ada nanti di bawah keredhaan Allah. Sekiranya Allah meredhai kita, kita akan bahagia.

Source : TV9's Halaqah Sentuhan Qalbu : Pohon Hidup

Sesungguhnya aku telah melalui sebahagian lautan itu dengan perahu kecil yang terumbang-ambing dipukul ombak. Dan sebahagian perjalananku telah aku siakan dengan hanya menambah beban. Dan di suatu persimpangan, aku tersedar aku begitu jauh hanyut dalam perdaya dunia. Tertipu dengan indahnya sesuatu yang sungguh fana sehingga terlupa mengutip bekalan bagi perjalanan di akhirat sana, yang selama-lamanya. Dan aku masih bertatih perlahan, mencari bimbingan dalam perjalananku mencari redha Ilahi. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang. Masih diberi kepada kita saat ini, jam ini, hari ini. Masih diberi kepada kita peluang untuk mengucapkan kalimah 'Astaghfirullah', untuk kita sujud dan memohon keampunan dari yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Mengasihani.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tropical Spice Garden

sukaa the entrance ^_^ nak buat entrance rumah camni la~

Tengok gambar ni, teringat satu scene dalam citer The Notebook.
Time Noah dengan Allie dayung2 sampan lepas tue hujan lebat.

Serious Tropical Spice Garden sangat lawa.
And tempat yang best untuk amik wedding pictures.
And actually ada tonnes of pictures lagi.
Cewah exaggerate gilaa.
Tapi kesabaran tak cukup la nak tggu upload image.
Nak guna unifi!

Dear soul, be strong


Allah breaks our spirit to save our soul,

Allah breaks our heart to make us whole,

Allah sends us pain so we can be stronger,

Allah sends us failure so we can be humble,

Allah sends us illness so we can take better care of ourselves,

Allah takes something away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.

Trust Allah, Love Allah…
What ever He does,
is always the best for us.

“Allah tests us with suffering and with sorrow.
Allah tests us not to punish us, but to help us meet tomorrow.”

source :

Saturday, April 2, 2011

qis's finger on the shutter : Mula

Location : Around the house

Aku punye Mango Tree.
Mama belikan masa aku kecik sebab dulu aku suke giler makan mempelam.

The Pegaga Territory


Tak-taw-nama flower

Masa kecik2 suka kutip banyak2 bunga jarum pastu hisap madu dia.
Habis madu, sepah dibuang.

Dry leaves under my mango tree



Tempting Heart

She's on the bed, in his arms. Both of them were looking out the window. Looking at the sun rising from the east sky. She smiled and said,

"This is my first time watching sunrise with someone. Marriage, is this how it feels like."

She's 17 and he's just a year older.

-Tempting Heart, NTV7, last night-